記者/Fabio Marcello
1) What are your feelings for the next concerts in Sardinia ?
I'm very excited to make the upcoming three concerts in Sardinia, especially the one on 14th May in Cagliari which will be recorded live as a DVD. Many people in other countries will also have the opportunity to experience the concert through this. Sardinia is a miraculous place with full of romanticism and breathtaking landscapes, I am really looking forward!
2) How can you describe your personal style on the piano ?
my style is a mixture of passion, high drive, sensivity, sensibility and elegance. My playing is also very structured due to a strong German influence.
3) What advice can you give to young musicians ?
I think to be often on stage and dare to perform for audience is very important. You will be able to collect irreplaceable experiences through this. Reading biographies of composers, interested in arts which are connected to music can enrich our imagination of music making.
4) Who is your favorite composer ?
a good question... too many! :) today I'd say: Mozart.
外媒鏈接: http://lanuovasardegna.gelocal.it/tempo-libero/2016/05/10/news/tre-concerti-in-sardegna-per-haiou-zhang-1.13448016?refresh_ce